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来源: 日期:2024-10-21 阅读:

2024 the first China-ASEAN Graduate Student Innovation Forum on Subtropical Crop Health and Biosafety | Nanning, China


Guangxi University


College of AgricultureGuangxi University

State Key Laboratory of Conservation and Utilization of Subtropical Agro-bioresources


Crop Protection Society of Guangxi

Plant Pathology Society of Guangxi

Entomology Society of Guangxi

Theme & Sessions


Plant Disease Control and Biosecurity of Subtropical Crops

Pest Control and Biosecurity of Subtropical Crops

Chemical Control and Biosafety

Frontier Technologies and Germplasm Innovation in Subtropical Crop

Modern High-quality, Safe and Efficient Subtropical Crop Cultivation

Time & Place

The forum will be held from November 8th to 10th, 2024, in Guangxi University, Nanning city of Guangxi, China.


November 8th, 2024: Registration.

November 9th, 2024: Forum.

November 10th: Agricultural visit and departure.

General Registration

No charge for forum registration. The Forum Receipt Form should be sent to wxy8771@163.com before October 31th, 2024.

Participate the forum will simultaneous on live or online via Zoom.

Organizing Committee

Chengwu Zou, Guangxi University

Haiyan Wu, Guangxi University

Huihua Tan, Guangxi University

Xialin Zheng, Guangxi University

Xiaoyun Wang, Guangxi University

Nguyen Thi Loan, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Vietnam

Bounpheng SIHOMCHANH, Horticulture Research Center, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, Laos

Pornthip Ruanpanun, Kasetsart University, Thailand

Yongge Tan, Guangxi University

Xiran Cheng, Guangxi University

Yiwei Huang, Guangxi University

Submission and Sch永利皇宫apple

Deadline of submission: October 31th, 2024.

Abstract: Submissions must be written in English and adhere to the submission guidelines (see Guide for abstract submission) and Template of abstract. The page limit is one page.

Presentation: please send the title to wxy8771@163.com.

Poster: The authors print and bring to the exhibition place. The dimensions of the poster are width 90 cm * length 110 cm.

For any queries, please contact us at wxy8771@163.com.

The Forum Receipt form


PhD or Master


Name of university or


Email address

Flight information

Accommodation demand

Other remarks

Guide for abstract submission

We appreciate your cooperation in following the guidelines below before submitting your abstract:

1. Abstract layout

·Please submit abstracts in MS Word format with text only.

·Please ensure that the title, author list, and the body of the abstract should all be fully justified.

2. Title

Use 'Times New Roman' font (12 points for the title and 10 points for other texts).

The abstract title should be limited to approximately 30 words.

The first letter of the title should be capitalized and the entire title should be in bold. Latin names of genera and species should be in italics.

3. Authors

All author names should be written in full.

Separate multiple authors’ names with a comma, except for the last two names, which should be separated by “and”.

Affiliations should include institution/company, city, ZIP codes, country (do not include street addresses) and should be in italicized.

For authors with different affiliations, use superscript numbers to denote the respective affiliations.

The email address of the presenting author should be included.

4. Text

The abstract text should be limited to approximately 300 words in one paragraph.

Do not include subheadings, tables, figures, or references.

The authors are responsible for the content, and the organizing committee has the right to edit the abstract for spelling, grammar, punctuation, clarity, etc.

For any queries, please contact us at xiaoyunwang@gxu.永利皇宫app.cn, wxy8771@163.com (Abstract delivery email address).

 Template of abstarct.docx

 The Forum Receipt form.docx